Years after being made fun of as a baby for having white hair, he still appears cheerful and healthy.

Many parents want to take newborn photos of their kids and share them with others. Patricia Williams was no different in this regard. She took a tender photo of her son. But she encountered a bad surprise when she tried to share his photos with others.

Redd, Patricia’s son, was born in 2012. The young boy had white hair from birth, but his mother didn’t notice his other characteristics until he was two months old.

When her husband Dale decided to investigate why the baby’s eyes were moving side to side, he was shocked to learn that it was a sign frequently associated with albinism. Patricia was doubtful because she had never even heard the term before, but the young boy exhibited all the symptoms of albinism, including pale skin, white hair, and tracking eyes.

The couple’s next move was to consult a geneticist and an optometrist to receive a formal diagnosis. It was established that Redd had Oculocutaneous Albinism Type 1 (OCA1), a disorder affecting 1 in 17,000 individuals worldwide.

When Redd was born, Patricia remembers the excitement among the hospital personnel, eager to meet the newborn with white hair and blue eyes. However, Patricia did not bat a look at the moment because she, her husband, and her firstborn son, Gage, all had blonde hair.

A month after they had brought Redd home, she remembered noticing that his hair was so white that it would shine in the son. His eyes would follow her despite her attempts to block them, and he would not turn them away. He also had extremely blue eyes that would glitter red under

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